
Most active pages
17 October 2019

1889.2 k23 k26 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Brain circuits and emotion
3383.7 k9.5 k8.6 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Ketamine and emotion
21411 k11 k34 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Organisational change motivation
2226.3 k7.3 k20 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Relationship commitment phobia
3263 k3 k24 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Emotional authenticity
2323.5 k4.9 k13 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Bulimia nervosa and extrinsic motivation
3153.4 k3.6 k18 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Hope and motivation
2126.7 k7 k28 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Positive education
11912 k13 k32 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Criminal recidivism prevention motivation
2155.6 k5.6 k13 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Cocaine use and motivation
286.2 k6.1 k35 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Hate crime motivation
231.6 k11 k33 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Death anxiety stages
2152.4 k3.5 k26 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Psilocybin and emotion
12512 k12 k26 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Social comparison, social media, and emo…
2137135.4 k18 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Regulatory focus theory and goal pursuit
130-7.7 k9.3 k36 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Stimming motivation
2193.1 k3.6 k39 kManagerial Economics/Pricing
1186.6 k7.2 k39 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Risk taking and emotion in financial mar…
2108521 k24 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Phobias
1233.8 k5.2 k3.7 kDevOps/Kubernetes/Certified Kubernetes Administrator/Create and configure…
159.1 k8.9 k28 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Effective apology
222.7 k2.7 k17 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Gender transformation motivation
241.8 k1.8 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Hope theory
231.5 k1.5 k27 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Doomsday prepping motivation
211302.8 k21 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Vicarious post-traumatic growth
156.7 k6.8 k26 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Factitious disorder and malingering moti…
119-2.8 k5.9 k4.4 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Environmental self-identity
173.1 k4.3 k14 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Cognitive reappraisal of emotion
2833155529 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Social support and emotion
225895894.2 kJavaScript Programming/Date and Time
1182.2 k2.3 k8.9 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Empathy and forgiveness
1152.5 k2.4 k12 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Passion and well-being
191.3 k3.5 k14 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Emotional intelligence and anti-social b…
18-3.1 k3.4 k1.6 kDevOps/Kubernetes/Certified Kubernetes Administrator
12-4.3 k4.5 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Affect regulation theory
1256911.1 k7.3 kWright State University Lake Campus/2019-9/Phy 2410/Notes
162.7 k2.8 k18 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Conservation of resources theory
1111.3 k1.3 k1.3 kDevOps/Kubernetes/Volumes
1119421.1 k28 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Growth mindset development
115.3 k5.2 k34 kWikiJournal of Science/Grainyhead-like Genes in Regulating Development an…
1166686681.2 kLinux Administration/Devices and Filesystems/LVM
1125725724.9 kDevOps/Kubernetes
132.4 k2.4 k23 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Outdoor education and achievement motiva…
2332632640 kManagerial Economics/Managerial decision making
1111.2 k1.4 k14 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Motivation to overcome substance use add…
179319394.2 kWright State University Lake Campus/2019-9/Phy 2410
142.2 k2.2 k16 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Perfectionism and depression
113.6 k3.5 k27 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Tax evasion motivation
22-4446773Virtues/six foundations of morality
131.2 k1.3 k33 kManagerial Economics/Personnel Economics
1114084127 kKVM
1151901.7 k57 kWikiJournal of Humanities/Abū al-Faraj ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn al-Iṣfahānī, the…
1136491.2 k4.2 kDevOps/Kubernetes/kubectl
112.3 k2.2 k2.2 kSoftware Design/Discoverability
127962.1 k16 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Circumplex model of affect
183132.2 k12 kWright State University Lake Campus/2019-9/Phy 1050/Notes
151.7 k1.6 k38 kManagerial Economics/Competition and market structure
111.6 k1.6 k9.3 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Near-death experiences and emotion
12722722172 kWikiJournal of Medicine/Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds: toxicity in hu…
111.5 k1.5 k35 kManagerial Economics/Organisational Structure
221014018 kThe Odyssey
154004002.4 kDevOps/Container
174234351.6 kRed Hat Virtualization
155776199.9 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Criminal record self-stigma and motivation
164864862.8 kLinux Administration/Devices and Filesystems/ZFS
13-45957528 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Autotelic personality motivation
16326330326DevOps/Kubernetes/Certified Kubernetes Administrator/Understand Persisten…
16423423423KVM/Extend LVM on qcow2 images
22103.2 k2.9 kNicene Creed (Roman Catholic Theology)
1252652625 kEvidence-based assessment/Prediction phase
1185485411 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Sedentary behaviour change
122832834.7 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Peak experiences and emotion
123655015.1 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Theory of constructed emotion
22102040 kPsycholinguistics/Theories and Models of Language Acquisition
2210106.7 kVideo journalism
2210164 kUrdu Numbers
12246246791Motivation and emotion/Book/2020
221028.4 kMathematical Properties
189026418 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Guilt
1170170114 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Exergaming and fitness motivation
111 k1 k33 kManagerial Economics/Consumer decision making
121941941.9 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Delay discounting and motivation
121861863.9 kMotivation and emotion/Book
1217317313 kDatabase Management/SQL
1230301015File Systems
11512512512KVM/virsh pool-info
12715730Wright State University Lake Campus/2019-9/Phy 1110
1150150148 kManagerial Economics/Economics of advertising
1333331.5 kLinux Administration/Devices and Filesystems/Partitions
12-37416.2 kIMHAR Integrated early diagnosis, prognosis, follow-up and prevention gui…
1141241231 kPhysics/Essays/Fedosin/Strong gravitational constant
1234342 kNetwork+/Standards/Theory and Concepts
1229291.6 kLinux Administration/Devices and Filesystems/Integrity
120015 kC programming in plain view
12003.8 kComplex analysis in plain view
111701701.8 kDevOps/Etcd
1113113112 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Stress and diet
11-12712717 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Pathological lying motivation
11-10210230 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Autonomy support and educational motivat…
11989898Create a Pod
1195951.5 kOER-Sink
1187875.4 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Goal framing theory
11666666Certified Kubernetes Administrator
11404029 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Mother-child emotion talk
1127271.1 kLinux Administration/Devices and Filesystems
1127271016Collaborative Learning/Examples
11141430 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Imagery in sport
117729 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Boredom and emotion
1122840IMHA Research Archives/IMHAR Lifelong Learning
11226.9 kIMHAR Guidelines for integrated early diagnosis, prognosis, follow-up and…
1122869IMHA Research Archives/Lifelong Learning
1122858IMHA Research Archives/Continouing education
1122790IMHA Research Archives/Continuing education
11003.2 kThe necessities in Microprocessor Based System Design
111136 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Female killer motivation
11004.6 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Emotional responses to social robots
1100492The necessities in DSP C Programming
11004.6 kHaskell programming in plain view
11002 kWikiJournal Preprints/Medical gallery of Aria Rad
111861868.3 kJavaScript Programming/Conditions
111131318 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2019/Sunk cost fallacy motivation
111-101015 kNonlinear finite elements
11-25253.5 kDigital Media Concepts/Braille Skateboarding
Graphique des modifications 17 October 2019
Graphique des utilisateurs 17 October 2019
Graphique des espaces de noms 17 October 2019