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8937614 k28 k16 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016
68107152.8 k78 k33 kDigital Signature
6512167.4 k87 k30 kSustainable Development Goals
439332.2 k3.3 k11 kAdvanced Engineering Mathematics in plain view
26316770 k93 k195 kRepresentation theory of the Lorentz group
291451.5 k12 k1.5 kWright State University Lake Campus/2016-1/Phy2400
1652-26 k4.6 M57Music/Software/Lilypond/MIDI
845333 k102 k32 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Parkinson's disease treatment motivation
375438 k100 k37 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Emotional intelligence and job performance
26651.8 k77 k1.8 kWright State University Lake Campus/2016-9/Phy2410
31798-15 k57 k28 kSwarm intelligence
25961.8 k4.5 k1.8 kWright State University Lake Campus/2016-9/Phy1050
17193-6.7 k74 k4.6 kWright State University Lake Campus/2016-1/Phy1060
1314832 k91 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Anorexia nervosa and extrinsic motivation
932131 k80 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Death anxiety
624962 k115 k60 kPermutation notation
1127233 k47 k32 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Religious radicalisation motivation
540976 k112 k13 kWikiJournal of Science/About
285284448.4 k16 kLow-Cost Precision Farming
1028232 k64 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Immunisation motivation in childhood
1218229 k80 k28 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Amygdala in sport
1023737 k60 k36 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Emotional hijacking
25601456464 k8.7 kComputer Hardware Types
22085771.2 k6.7 kUnderstanding VLSI Design
721835 k68 k34 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Exercise motivation and personality
520434 k74 k33 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Vocational motivation and personality
1414229 k34 k28 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Competition fighting motivation
417612 k16 k12 kInformal learning activities/Bckgrnd
1218327 k34 k27 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Long-term goal achievement
24382.3 k2.7 k14 kPhotogrammetry
16995.4 k9 k5.2 kDigital Media Concepts
82783 k26 k2.9 kMaritime Clinical Colloquial Network
332440 k55 k39 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Group motivation and weight loss
822032 k53 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/School belonging motivation
924729 k45 k28 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Extreme altruism
1211432 k50 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Illicit drug taking at music festivals
237661.7 k4.6 k24 kWikiJournal Preprints/Yolmo people
41877.3 k64 k23 kPre-Late Egyptian Reconstruction/Templatic Class I
628027 k49 k26 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Polyamory and emotional need fulfillment
1021529 k53 k28 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Water and emotion
7144-8.6 k46 k8 kWikiJournal of Medicine/Editors
819036 k55 k35 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Bullying and social needs
819125 k45 k24 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Broaden-and-build theory of positive emo…
1111532 k42 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Stress recovery theory
22202.9 k13 k11 kThe necessities in SOC Design
21711.9 k3.4 k6.8 kC programming in plain view
912630 k37 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Regret
1592130 k38 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Sexual motivation and hormones
924730 k68 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Validation seeking motivation
425634 k46 k33 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Chronic pain and negative emotion
1412110 k52 k12 kProject Management/Schedule
525221 k40 k20 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Australian Indigenous language revival m…
812731 k37 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Public speaking anxiety
21562881.3 k7.2 kThe necessities in DSP
99229 k41 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Attachment type and emotion
818630 k36 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Reward dependence and motivation
913121 k27 k20 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Ideological motivation and violent crime
213491943.8 k8.9 k10 Principles of Economics
914933 k61 k32 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Performance enhancing drug usage motivat…
421431 k39 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Processing fluency theory of aesthetic p…
614230 k40 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Bystander intervention motivation
116336 k39 k35 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Betrayal motivation
323984427 k844WikiJournal of Science
41581.6 k42 k1.6 kWikidebate
711032 k34 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Cannabis and anxiety
1156665723885Haskell programming in plain view
98630 k42 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Mental illness and treatment motivation
813118 k22 k19 kProject Management/Communication
98138 k40 k37 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Self-management and chronic illness
1111233 k51 k32 kData Networking/Fall 2016/PAKP
412029 k43 k35 kInversion (discrete mathematics)
9768 k10 k9.4 kWikiJournal User Group
98426 k28 k25 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Leisure motivation
21322933772.9 kArtificial intelligence/Lecture aid
318530 k49 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation in…
109016 k31 k16 kProject Management/Project Charter
18453-1.9 k3.9 k4.6 kPrinciples of Management
616031 k49 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Youth suicide motivation
183438448421 kWeb Science/Part1: Foundations of the web/MoocIndex
522430 k41 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Attention restoration theory
52046.1 k21 k6 kIMHA Research Archives/Research Projects/Research Protocol
888-27120 k6.6 kWikiJournal of Medicine/Editorial board
69935 k47 k35 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Grit
183529.6 k12 k9.4 kLineageOS
815122 k25 k21 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Blushing and emotion
9778389.7 k8.1 kWikiJournal of Medicine/About
691-2.5 k14 k11 kWikiJournal of Medicine/Publishing
9829.1 k23 k8.9 kIs anonymity for Wikipedia contributors desirable?
59232 k60 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Recycling motivation
221027 k34 k27 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Sleep and depression
61808.9 k22 k8.7 kWikiJournal of Science/About/Why this journal was created
615016 k20 k17 kProject Management/Quality Management
215415 k151 k80 k3-ary Boolean functions
612816 k36 k17 kProject Management/Process
614724 k30 k23 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Overeating motivation
182242 k33 k15 kWikiJournal of Medicine/History of penicillin
8814.1 k38 k13 kWeb Science/Part2: Emerging Web Properties/MoocIndex
318331 k55 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Intimacy motivation
512914 k20 k14 kWright State University Lake Campus/2016-9/Phy1050/log
58323 k28 k22 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Emotional intelligence development in th…
8101111 k21 k10 kShould we go vegan?
418839 k49 k38 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Terror
413261 k75 k59 kPLOS/Transcriptomics technologies
7781.9 k198 k1.9 kWright State University Lake Campus/2016-9/Phy1110
68429 k34 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Prejudice and emotion
133374.8 k47 k10 kVolcanoes/Mount Vesuvius
68628 k35 k27 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Artistic creation motivation
610326 k35 k25 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Physical versus emotional infidelity
65988 k88 k86 kWikiJournal of Medicine/The Cerebellum
13019.6 k43 k9.3 kBell's theorem/Quantum correlation
511126 k36 k26 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/False physiological feedback and emotion…
21101.1 k1.6 k12 kCORDIC Hardware Implementations
94834 k40 k33 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Cannabis and negative emotions
67231 k34 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Dyslexia and negative emotions
28416 k131 k94 kGene transcriptions/A1BG
17274-5552133 kPrinciples of marketing
75929 k30 k28 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Sexual assault non-reporting motivation
57437 k47 k36 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Emotional labour
710037 k38 k36 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Restricted interests and anxiety in chil…
67719 k23 k20 kProject Management/Work Breakdown Structure
85732 k38 k32 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Extreme sport motivation
4127118 k38 k18 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Chemotherapy effects on motivation
58212 k51 k12 kWikiJournal of Medicine/Bylaws
317432 k34 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Cortical activation patterns and emotion
69938 k43 k37 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Psychological resilience development in …
122062.7 k5.4 k61 kTourism/Introduction
418211 k21 k11 kWikiJournal of Science/About/The guilds
14443647.8 k12 kSpanish 1/The Basics
410519 k23 k19 kAlgebra 1/Unit 1: Introduction To Algebra
39629 k35 k29 kWikiJournal of Medicine/Eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene structure
49229 k30 k28 kLiving Wisely
142044401.1 k4.4 kWhat is a computer?
84617 k18 k16 kDoes God exist?
513130 k53 k29 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Smiling, laughter, and happiness
4126112 k110 k109 kDEC Professional (computer)
66527 k50 k26 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/University drop-out motivation
91717 k21 k56 kICT in Education/Change Projects
14234-1066603.8 kBuilding construction techniques
142437461.5 k1.7 kCharacteristics of research
67017 k23 k17 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Delayed reinforcement and motivation
55230 k69 k30 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Biophilia hypothesis and emotion
49532 k33 k31 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Overcoming social stigmas
5849.1 k13 k11 kWright State University Lake Campus/2016-1/Phy1060/log
932614636 k9.4 kGreek and Roman military traditions
57324 k25 k23 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Laughter yoga and emotion
19985 k83 k83 kStars/Supernovas
65426 k32 k25 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2016/Mental health help-seeking motivation
312412.4 k5.7 k3.3 kWright State University Lake Campus
11254451 k445Physics and Astronomy Labs/Vernier force probe
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