
Most active pages
17 November 2017

11328 k28 k30 kGene transcriptions/Boxes/ATAs/Laboratory
236 k5.8 k5.8 kNewton's laws of motion
26-4.6 k4.5 k150 kWikiJournal of Science/Lead: properties, history, and applications
186.4 k6.3 k23 kPython Concepts/Bytes objects and Bytearrays
26-50151925 kRepresentation of Eating Disorders in To the Bone
117.8 k7.6 k7.6 kCreate a training and development plan/Rubric
125.7 k5.6 k7.9 kCreate a training and development plan/Analysis Phase
191.4 k4.3 k20 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017/Testosterone and sexual motivation
111-3.7 k3.7 k114 kGene transcriptions/A1BG
1151.3 k2.2 k16 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017/LSD and emotion
253819438Category:12 steps of evidence based assessment
11114 k14 k34 kComparative law and justice/Mali
122.9 k2.8 k2.8 kUse of science concepts in daily lives
261071223 kHigh School Biology/Lessons/Lesson 3
152.2 k2.2 k17 kPhotogrammetry
16-1 k1021160 kGene transcriptions/A1BG/Core promoters
195551 k1.9 kWright State University Lake Campus/2017-9/Phy1050
111.4 k1.4 k1.5 kMusic/Software/Lilypond/MIDI
17328420792Vygotsky and Online Learning
11-1.1 k1.1 k36 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017/Good Lives Model of offender rehabilitat…
13-4417852.9 kCreate a training and development plan
22105424.8 kMersenne primes
1242942991 kWikiJournal of Science/Radiocarbon dating
12-37337330 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017/Verbal aggression
11-68268234 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017/Hypothalamus and motivation
116026025 kGames of gain-ground/Handball International Championships
12-1634232.4 kIndian Government
1194094017 kIntroduction to Non-Genetic Darwinism/Physics of Self-Organization
11-37337329 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017/Smiling, laughter, and happiness
113373372.6 k3D Modelling
1125725722 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017/Empowerment and employee motivation
112452453.8 kImage Map
1177775.1 kSafety/Quiz
11-78783.8 kDiscrete mathematics
1153535.5 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 2: Benchmark base rates for issues
1153535 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 3: Evaluate risk and protective factors an…
1153533.5 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 4: Revise probabilities based on intake as…
1153535.8 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 5: Gather collateral, cross-informant pers…
1153533.2 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 6: Add focused, incremental assessments
11535317 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 7: Add more intensive methods to finalize …
11535311 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 8: Assess for treatment plan and goal sett…
1153535.3 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 9: Learn and use client preferences
1153538.9 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 10: Goal setting: Milestones and outcomes
11535315 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 11: Progress and process measures
115353592Evidence-based assessment/Step 12: Wrapping up and maintaining gains
11525212 kEvidence-based assessment/Step 1: Plan for most common issues in clinic s…
11484835 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017/Biological factors in emotional reactivity
11383812 kComparative law and justice/India
1123233.6 kPolitical science
1123234.3 kAdvantages of being a vegetarian
11191964Escuela de Lenguas UNLP/Academic Writing/Art
11121292 kReed–Solomon codes for coders
115525 kWikiJournal of Science/Editorial guidelines
11-2214 kMotivation and emotion/Book/2017
11008.2 kThe necessities in DSP
11001.6 kHaskell programming in plain view
110010 kC programming in plain view
11002.7 kComplex analysis in plain view
11-2562561.7 kWeb Design/Group Activities/Ordering Tasks for a Web Project
111-25255.5 kTypes of computers
16-63663614 kAntiuniversity/Antiuniversity Now/Decolonising
12-1491493.7 kArt practices/Monstration
13-1861861.6 kArt practices/Three Sided Football
11-2214 kElectric Circuit Analysis/Circuit Analysis Quiz 1
11-67672.5 kArt practices/Metagraphy
11111165Open Educational Resources/Historical/Examples of cost-shifting
11-121265Open educational resources/Examples of cost-shifting
11-6658Introduction to Open Educational Resources/Flashcards
110040Free Educational Resources
110040Free and Open Educational Resources
110040Free and open educational resources
110040Free educational resources
110040Open Education Resources
110040Open educational resource
Graphique des modifications 17 November 2017
Graphique des utilisateurs 17 November 2017
Graphique des espaces de noms 17 November 2017